Tamara Klink is the founder of FIIT Collective and works full time with Salesforce in the Marketing Cloud Services Team.
Her interest in technology started at the age of 11, when she was one of three girls and seven boys awarded best in class for computing, after writing HTML and CSS code to create websites inspired by her favourite magazine at the time, Dolly.

Today Tamara’s life purpose is to inspire females about the benefits of working in technology, and how to live a balanced, purposeful life. She founded FIIT Collective to create a global support network for females working in tech, or considering information technology as a career.
Along the way Tamara spent 8 years as a circus performer, graduated from Bond University with a Bachelors of Business and Accounting, completed a brief stint as a tax accountant, and then moved into recruitment, before finding her joy in technology. Tamara now works for Salesforce, one of the leading technology companies globally, as a Senior Solution Engineer.
Click here to find out about working with Tamara Klink.

A personal story about FIIT Collective
I often wonder if I was presented with the option to undertake a Bachelors in Computer Science if I would be more advanced in my career today. It took me three different career paths, and Bachelors of Business and Accounting before I realised my true purpose was in information technology.
I have learned that only 12% of software engineers are female, even though women represent 47% of the workforce. I have also discovered a lot of women in tech did not study computer science but came into it later on.

Why was there such a disconnect in females studying computer science and technology?
After attending numerous tech events, talking with women and further research I concluded the following:
- There are limited female role models in technology
- It is a very male dominated industry, which can be daunting
- The stereotypical computer engineer is a nerdy male, with poor interpersonal skills, working in a dark room with multiple screens full of code
- As a generalisation, women strive for perfection and feel insecure and discouraged about their skills, which is not great when you code for a living
This led me to search online for suitable support networks, and to find career stories of females in technology. I looked for advice on:
- Inspiration from established women in tech, with some guidance on how they achieved CIO, CTO or CEO of leading tech companies
- How to deal with discrimination
- How to balance my strong career goals with maintaining healthy relationships with my family and friends
- Even something as simple as course recommendations
I was surprised I was unable to find anything dedicated to females, or that inspired me to continue with my career in tech. There was nothing.
And so FIIT Collective was born. A platform dedicated to providing women in technology with the inspiration and practical resources to achieve a more purposeful career and life.

The importance of a balanced life
I’ve learned first hand the importance of having balance, in all areas of your life. Everything is linked, so when you’re too focused in one area, another area suffers, which ultimately impacts your productivity and effectiveness at work.
I found out the hard way. When I was too focused on my career, I stopped exercising and lived off takeaway. I partied like there was no tomorrow, to help deal with the stress. I was living paycheck to paycheck, and searching externally for acceptance, approval and happiness.
My productivity at work suffered as a result, and my confidence was at an all time low. I was 10kg heavier than I am now, with a face full of pimples, and dating guys who weren’t aligned with my values. I was irrational and overly sensitive, and reacted badly to small things. I was not fun to be around.
It wasn’t until I read the book Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini that I understood the importance of self-love and how it could positively impact my career and relationships. I subsequently started a regular self-care practice which allowed me to realise my self-worth.
I let go of toxic relationships, secured my dream job, found my loving partner, started my own business, ticked off some dream goals, and now have a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

I knew that other women would also benefit from what I had learned, so it was important that FIIT Collective was not just about developing a career in technology. I wanted to give every single female the opportunity to take control of their health, excel at their career and live with confidence.
You can connect with Tamara on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Click here to find out about working with Tamara Klink.
Join the Collective
Help provide our community with the inspiration and tools to start living a more purposeful and balanced life. Read how you can contribute to FIIT Collective in the areas of tech, wellbeing and balance.